About Us
The Shepherd Project is a brand new missions initiative. Founded in 2020 by missionaries who have worked with the Shepherds since 2014, it is a ministry organization specifically designed to meet the needs of those who are involved in seeing the Shepherds hear the Gospel. The mission is purposefully open ended. Ministry can take many different forms, and we want to remain open to using what methods seem to be the most effective in each environment. Currently, we support 3 Basotho men and 2 western missionaries who are working in partnership with The Shepherd Project. If the Lord blesses the work, we hope to send more missionaries and support more initiatives who are directly working to see the Shepherds know Christ. We are strong believers in the power of God’s Word, and we hope to see it in the hands of as many Shepherds as we can find!
To provide shepherds with access to the Gospel by directly sharing it, supporting Basotho missionaries who have a passion to share it, and discipling Shepherd believers in sharing it with one another.
To see the Shepherds of Lesotho’s highlands come to know the love of Jesus Christ.